Identifying Data Gaps in Care Coordination


When it comes to Transitions of Care, Electronic Health Record (EHR) Providers and Health Information Exchanges (HIE) are largely constrained by the manner in which they present information. Even when written notes and forms are captured digitally, the complexities of each unique health system make it difficult to share patient health information in a meaningful way. This, along with Healthcare payor’s recent emphasis on patient engagement, requires a clinical and psychosocial view of patient health.

Screen Shot 2016-05-31 at 10.34.30 AM copyAccess to such information has the power to improve patient care and engagement while also optimizing workflows and operational efficiencies. However, without interoperable systems, easy-to-use tools, and access to data, engaging with EHRs and HIEs can actually add to existing complexities and pain points.

In our upcoming iVEDiX webinar, Strategic Interests, and Dr. Brett Kinsler will share findings from their study examining data gaps in care coordination for transition to long-term and post-acute care and provide guidance on how to develop:

  • Collaborative Communities
  • Mobile Use Cases for Your Organization
  • Essential mHealth Partnership

If you’re interested in joining us or getting a recording of this presentation, please register at

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